In our last update, we stated that we hoped to have the pool completed by the end of February or at least by Spring at the latest. Of course, we also said we couldn’t guarantee this as there could always be things that come up to delay the project. To some degree, that has happened. As you may remember, we had to replace our roof because of damage done to it during Hurricane Milton. That work is under way and it looks like it is ahead of schedule; however, All Aqua, the pool contractor, will not do pool work while the roof is being repaired. For safety purposes, they don’t want their crew members working on the pool deck while materials are being hoisted to the roof via a crane. While we did not anticipate they would stop work during this period, the safety factor is understandable. Additionally, while the crane is on the property, there would not be enough room for All Aqua to be able to bring their equipment in as well. While the roof is being repaired, the windows on the pool level and first floor continue to be replaced. Once the windows and the roof are finished, the work on the pool will resume.