There has been a great deal of activity at the resort, and we wanted to provide you with an update on some of the items.  Below is a summary of some of the things that have been happening, in no particular order.
  • The fence around the pool equipment is up.
  • The gas line and fire extinguisher are installed.
  • Cameras wires have been run to the poles around the pool as well as the low voltage wire for beach exit and entry gate.
  • Danielle removed all the broken concrete and put in a pile for removal. She also graded the parking lot and got rid of a big pile of sand.
  • The Board met with the gas company again and they are going to come back this week to finish the install according to the Fire Marshall code. They are going to give us the gas flow rate so we can contact TECO to get our upgraded meter changed.
  • Danielle met with our engineer because the heaters, grills, and meter need to be on an engineered drawing.  We should get that this week.
  • We met with our general contractor and their concrete guy to go over everything again.  Our engineer has to redraw the plans because the culvert pipe that goes from catch basin to catch basin is in the way of the divider wall and that part of the wall has to be built differently.
  • We met with the paver person and he will be at the resort today to put back all the pavers.
  • We met with the railing company and went over everything again including the piece we need by the fence. This should be taken care of this week.
  • We are getting bids for the roof because there are places with damage.
  • Our engineer put 4 bids out for the milestone repairs we need. We will have them for the September Board meeting so we can make a decision on that.
  • We are on the list to have the 4 pool cameras installed.
  • All the plumbing and electrical work is done for the pool.
  • The hot tub timer and shut off have been installed.
  • We are going to apply for an additional $150,000 grant from the State but there is no guarantee we are going to get it.
  • We installed two new commercial washers and we now have 2 new commercial dryers for efficiency.
  • We also have and a commercial freezer for our beloved ice cream socials.
  • We applied for the permits for the parking lot repair/rebuild.
  • We ordered the new pool slider door.
  • We have seen delays due to permitting, scheduling contractors, inspections, and approval from various government agencies.