Update 10-31-2024
Submitted By Danielle DeLouch, Resort Manager:
As all of you know we faired really well after Hurricane Milton considering some of the other properties in Daytona Beach, but we definitely felt the effects with 80+ winds. Those effects will set us back a little with projects and the rebuild of our pool deck, but to reopen for owners, for guests, and to put the staff back to work in as little as two short days is truly amazing.
Update 10-21-24
The parking lol and shuffle board court have been poured.
Update: 10-16-24
Our dedicated staff went above and beyond following the effects of Hurricane Milton. Many of the rooms had water in them. Furnature had to be removed, water removed, and then all of the carpet was shampooed. Even though some of our staff had to deal with damage at their own homes, they got the resort back up and running on Friday, just days after the storm and allowed folks to start checking in the next day.
Many have if there was damage to the pool deck area. The fencing that goes around the pool equipment was damaged and will have to be replaced. Water got under some of the pavers on the pool deck. Those will have to be taken up and the sand re-packed. We are working with our contractor to find out why water got under them. We were quite fortunate overall.
The construction continues and this Friday, contractors will start the rebuild of the parking lot where it was damaged by the previous hurricanes.
Additionally, we are getting work started following our milestone inspection. We will provide updates on these items as they get underway.
Update: 10-11-24

Hurricane Milton Update: 10-10-24
Our manager is in the building and has started to assess some of the damage. There are many rooms with water intrusion and AC’s that are out. Currently it is not safe to allow owners to check back in on Friday. We apologize for any of you who are staying into the next week with us. We will try our best to reopen on Saturday, but again, please keep checking the website and or Facebook for updated information. Please do not call for updates as our staff would rather spend time getting the resort ready to reopen than fielding phone calls.