Update 10-21-24
The parking lol and shuffle board court have been poured.
The parking lol and shuffle board court have been poured.
Our dedicated staff went above and beyond following the effects of Hurricane Milton. Many of the rooms had water in them. Furnature had to be removed, water removed, and then all of the carpet was shampooed. Even though some of our staff had to deal with damage at their own homes, they got the resort back up and running on Friday, just days after the storm and allowed folks to start checking in the next day.
Many have if there was damage to the pool deck area. The fencing that goes around the pool equipment was damaged and will have to be replaced. Water got under some of the pavers on the pool deck. Those will have to be taken up and the sand re-packed. We are working with our contractor to find out why water got under them. We were quite fortunate overall.
The construction continues and this Friday, contractors will start the rebuild of the parking lot where it was damaged by the previous hurricanes.
Additionally, we are getting work started following our milestone inspection. We will provide updates on these items as they get underway.
Our manager is in the building and has started to assess some of the damage. There are many rooms with water intrusion and AC’s that are out. Currently it is not safe to allow owners to check back in on Friday. We apologize for any of you who are staying into the next week with us. We will try our best to reopen on Saturday, but again, please keep checking the website and or Facebook for updated information. Please do not call for updates as our staff would rather spend time getting the resort ready to reopen than fielding phone calls.
Safety is number one for our owners, guests, and employees! With that said, due to Hurricane Milton, there is a MANDATORY EVACUATION order starting at 8AM on Wednesday morning 10/09/2024 for all areas east of the Intercoastal Waterway (all of beachside) issued by the Volusia County Emergency Management. Because we are under the mandatory evacuation Tropic Shores will be closed until further notice starting at that time.Bridges close once sustained winds of 39 mph are reached so those at the resort please respond as soon as possible because evacuation routes will be congested.PLEASE DO NOT CALL staff or the front desk for updates! We will try to get up to date information out via e-mail, our website, and/or Facebook page as time, weather, and communications allow.PLEASE keep our staff and their families in your prayers as we navigate yet another challenging time.For latest information regarding closures please visit the Volusia County Emergency Management website or download their app:App ==> Get Informed (volusia.org)There are shelters open and you can find them here: www.volusia.org/PINThank you,Tropic Shores Management and Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors just had its bi-monthly meeting on September 14, 2024. Draft minutes from this meeting can be found on the website’s Owners’ page. Along with this, the Board wanted to provide an update related to the construction progress and other matters related to TSR.
Many may have noticed that progress on the pool deck has seemed to stop recently. This has been the case, unfortunately. A new gas line is required for the pool and hot tub heaters as well as the new gas grills. It took the fire marshall of Daytona Beach Shores 7 weeks to approve our permit! Our intent was to have the pool and hottub walls completed. Upon doing this, we must fill both with water so the sealant being placed on the surface does not dry and crack. Unfortunately, the pool inspector notified us that we can’t put water in either until the divider wall and fence are installed between the parking lot and pool area. Basically, the entire area must be enclosed before water can be added. As such, we have to build the divider wall and install railing (as well as a gate built to a specific height) before we can add water to the pool and hottub. On Friday, September 13, we received the permit for this work. Again, it took 7 weeks to get this permit.
During this process, our staff and Board have been working hard to keep things moving. Working with multiple governmental agencies is beyond frustration. There have been times when their requirements completely conflict with one another. We continue to make progress though. Our next steps are to build the retaining wall and install railing so we can have the pool and hottub completed. Additionally, we will have the parking lot repaired/rebuilt.
On top of all of the construction, we learned that our roof needs to be replaced. We were supposed to be provided with 4 bids; however, only one company actually submitted a bid. We continue to look for additional bids.
Recently, we received the results from our milestone inspection. You may remember that the State of Florida passed legislation requiring all condos to go through a milestone inspection. The State requires that anything identified as needing repairs must be addressed and must be fully funded in our reserves. There were some items identified, and fortunately, the list was not terribly extensive. We are getting some additional bids for certain items, but we should be fully funded for these. We have received four bids from companies to do this work, but only two of them can start work this year. The Board continues to look at this and should vote on which company we will go with some time this week.
There are additional matters that are typical for daily operations that the Board and staff continue to address as well as others that pop up and must be taken care of. We want our owners to know that we (the Board and staff) continue to work on these matters each day and will keep our owners updated. Please be patient and polite with our staff as they are doing everything they can.