Board of Directors
Tropic Shores Resort is governed by an owner-elected board of directors. These positions are strictly voluntary. Any owner in good standing is eligible to run for the board during the annual voting meeting.
The Board meets semi-monthly and deals with budgeting issues, long-rang planning, reconstruction, and more. You can find BoD meeting dates on the Owners’ Calendar on the Owners’ page as well as a link for virtual attenance.
The Board is not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the facility as that is the role of the facility manager. You can leave suggestions / compliments / concerns in the B.O.D. box located at the front desk, or use our online form.
Each November, the Board meets for its annual meeting, when Board elections are held.
To contact the full Board, please use our Contact The Board form.

Fred Rispoli
My name is Fred Rispoli, and I’m your Board President. I would like to tell you a little about myself for our new web site. I was born and raised in New York. My first job was working on the docks suppling ships with oil for their engines and food for their crew. In 1977 I married and moved to Ocala Florida to open up an Italian restaurant with my family. That was hard work. After that I was a delivery driver for Coca-Cola and then ended up working for UPS for 39 years, and I’m still ALIVE! During that time I had my own business operating my John Deere tractor, installing driveways, fences, bush hogging, clearing, etc.I am married for 47 years, have a daughter that is a Veterinarian and a son who is an engineer for Apple. They’re doing better than I ever did. That was my goal. I have two granddaughters 6 and 8 years old. I’ve had many animals, horses, dogs, cats, an about 1,000 hamsters. I purchased two units at Tropic Shores in the 90’s. I started going to meetings and didn’t like they way things were going as we were always in the red. I was able to get on the Board without much say as one member out of nine. Finally as Board members came on that cared about the Resort as I did, its owners, and employees. We ousted the management company and have been on our own ever since. Tropic Shores is a unique time share with mostly family and friends ownership. I want to continue this tradition for the next generation. My granddaughters love it here as my own children have. Our Board, staff, and owners are awesome people that have stayed with us through thick and thin. Thank you for all your support all these great years.

Don Gilespi, Treasurer
I was born and raised in Vandalia, Ohio. I graduated from Bowling Green State University in 1969 with a Bachelors Degree in Industrial Arts Education. I taught at Northmont City School District for thirty-eight years. I received my Masters Degree in Educational Administration from the University of Dayton in 1977. I was the Head Tennis Coach for both boys and girls tennis for twenty-six years. After my teaching retirement I worked at the high school several days a week in the technology department. I retired completely August 2, 2019 and moved to Knoxville TN. My wife Vicki and I enjoy walking, biking, tennis, pickle ball and researching our family trees. We have been owners at Tropic Shores since 1991 and are vested in its future as owners of several units. I have found it rewarding knowing in some small way I have contributed to the continued quality of Tropic Shores Resort!

John Burney, Vice President
Hello, my name is John T Burney. I live in Macon, Georgia. I have been married to my wife, Donna, for 48 years now. I am retired now after working for myself, B&W Tobacco and the Air Force. I have two daughters, two sons- in-law and six grandkids. I purchased our first unit in preconstruction and have added nine more over the years. We enjoy coming down every chance we get. I have been on the board since 2017 and have tried to keep our maintenance fees down while keeping our condo a first class operation. I would appreciate your vote of confidence.

Mike Corcoran, Secretary
I am the son of a career military man, so I have lived throughout the world. I graduated high school in 1983 and joined the Air Force. I served for 8 years and was deployed in the first Persian Gulf war. After being honorably discharged, I attended Wright State University where I received a bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education and English. I served as an English teacher for 10 years before becoming the Supervisor of Technology. I served in that capacity for 5 years before making the jump from public education to the corporate IT world. I worked in the corporate space for 5 years, but it was not my passion, so I returned to Education. I received a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership about 10 years ago and I am currently the Director of Operations and Technology for our school district.
I’m married to Kimberly, an amazing person and I have two daughters, three step sons, and two granddaughters. My wife and I became owners about 8 years ago. I believe I’ve been on the Board for about 5 years. As the secretary, I am the one who generally sends out messages from the Board, via email, Facebook, and our website.

Josh Sendlebach, Director
My name is Joshua Sendelbach. I was born in 1987 in Dayton, Ohio. After graduating from high school at age 17, I began working for a local painting company as a laborer. After five years of working and learning the trade with close observation of how a successful business operates, in 2010, I created my own painting company. I have since built Sendelbach Painting, LLC into a highly respected and successful business in the Dayton and Columbus Ohio area. I currently reside outside the quaint rural town of Arcanum, Ohio on a small farm. I have enjoyed visiting Tropic Shores since childhood with my grandparents and parents both owning at the resort. I officially became an owner in 2020 and have proudly served on your board of directors since November 2021. As a third generation owner, I have a great desire to help lead Tropic Shores Resort in maintaining the excellent reputation of a quality investment, home away from home vacation timeshare while exercising fiscal responsibility to my fellow owners.

Justin Spiller, Director
Content to come soon.