From our resort manager:
I know many of you are waiting for an update regarding the reopening of our resort. The Tropic Shores staff is working extremely hard to get your resort back open tomorrow, but we took on a great deal of water intrusion in rooms from Hurricane Milton. Some rooms will be damp, musty, and will have an odor, even once we do reopen. Unfortunately the two bedroom units were hit the worst, so we may have to ask that you move to a one-bedroom. You do have the option to change your week for a different week, but it will be based on availability until the end of January, 2025.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Update from the Board: Many have asked about the sea wall and pool deck. The staff has consontrated on getting the resort open, so they have not had a chance to do a thorough inspection of the outside of the resort; however, it appears that the seawall, and pool deck have not suffered any significant damange.
The fencing around the pool equipment was damaged, but in the scale of this situation, that is a small matter. For those who were concerned about the pool deck, it is fair to say that we seem to have done well. As far as moving forward with completion of the project, there is little doubt that the companies doing the work for us will have their own issues; thus we ask for everyone to understand that we can only control so much of this process/situation. The Board will do its best to move everything forward as quickly as possible.