Bike Week and Parking

For Bike Week 2025 we are still extremely limited on our parking spots. With the ongoing construction we are even more limited when there are construction trucks on site. We kindly ask that you do not bring multiple cars, if possible, or make arrangements to park your additional cars off property at your expense.

As a reminder there is NO parking available at any time for any trailers, RV’s, boats or mobile homes or any of the like. It is your responsibility to find parking elsewhere for the week you are here. Any of these vehicles or any vehicle that does not have a TSR parking pass clearly displayed will be towed immediately at the owner’s expense.

Update: February 24, 2025

We wanted to provide an update on the resort.  According to our contract with the roofing company, they have 90 days to complete the work from the start of the contract, which is January 29.  It appears they are ahead of schedule, which is great news.  In fact, they can’t work today or tomorrow because of rain, but they said they will do their best to finish all of the cleanup on the roof and have their truck and crane out of the parking lot before Saturday (start of Bike Week).
US Glass is working on the basement level windows.  They should be done in 3 weeks or fewer; however, their work is impacted by weather as well, and that is something that is clearly out of our control.  Once they are done, the work on the pool can continue.

Update: 2-10-25


In our last update, we stated that we hoped to have the pool completed by the end of February or at least by Spring at the latest.  Of course, we also said we couldn’t guarantee this as there could always be things that come up to delay the project.  To some degree, that has happened.  As you may remember, we had to replace our roof because of damage done to it during Hurricane Milton.  That work is under way and it looks like it is ahead of schedule; however, All Aqua, the pool contractor, will not do pool work while the roof is being repaired.  For safety purposes, they don’t want their crew members working on the pool deck while materials are being hoisted to the roof via a crane.  While we did not anticipate they would stop work during this period, the safety factor is understandable.  Additionally, while the crane is on the property, there would not be enough room for All Aqua to be able to bring their equipment in as well.  While the roof is being repaired, the windows on the pool level and first floor continue to be replaced.  Once the windows and the roof are finished, the work on the pool will resume.

Maintenance Fees

Dear owners,

Your BOD has been working hard for several years trying to get your resort where it needs to be after 3 devastating hurricanes.  Yes, there have been delays with contractors, permits, inspections, supplies, weather, engineers, government requirements, etc., and we have dealt with all of it.  Hopefully you have been monitoring OUR Facebook page, website, and have attended our Board meetings in person or via Zoom.  We are reinvesting your special assessment and maintenance fees into your resort; new seawall, pool, hot tub, pool pumps and heaters, pool deck pavers with lights, railings, parking lot, bottom and first floor windows replaced, flooring in the rooms, and on and on.  Anything that needs fixing or replacing gets done if it is feasible.  Additionally, we had the required reserve study and milestone inspectiondone, and all repairs have been started and/or completed.  All of this is contingent on owners paying their maintenance fees ON TIME.  On February 1st, owners who haven’t paid will be assessed a late fee and 18% added to their fee.  On March 1st they will be sent to collections incuring a 40% fee, lock out fee, and all privileges suspended.  Your maintenance fees are our number one source of income.  The budget we work so hard on is based on that income.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Fred Rispoli, Board President